Article Processing Charges (APC)
Authors are required to complete and submit the registration form with the applicable Article Processing Charges (APC) to publish the paper in the International Journal of Business and Economic Development (IJBED). There is no charge for the review process.
The following publication fee must be received within 10 working days after the paper is accepted.
Please tick the box of applicable fees:
1-8 pages £250
9-12 pages £300
13-15 pages £325
16-20 pages £350
Please note that for any paper(s) more than 20 pages a fee of £15 per page will be charged for up to a maximum 25 pages including references and appendices
Paying the fees author(s) are entitled to publish their paper (s) in the next available volume and issue and receive a soft copy of the journal after the publication.
Number of authors: It is the policy of the Centre that no paper will be accepted with more than four (4) except a technical paper.
Payment & Cancellation:
Authors need to note that payments made for the submission of the article are purely to cover administrative costs and publication and have no bearing on the peer review process or acceptance for publication. In the event of a paper being declined for publication any submission fee paid in advance will be refunded minus a £100 administration charge within six weeks of receipt of the refund form being completed and submitted (the said will be emailed along with notification of non -acceptance). If the paper is accepted for publication and if the author/authors then decide to notify of their decision to withdraw the paper after paying the fees, the following criteria will apply:
- If the withdrawal notice is submitted within 4 weeks after receiving the final acceptance-50% refund
- If the withdrawal notice is submitted after 4 weeks of receiving the final acceptance – 25% refund
- If withdrawal notice is submitted after 6 weeks of receiving the final acceptance – No refund is given.
Please note that international money transfer fees will be deducted from any money refunded.
Payment methods
Online payment method
CBER uses PayPal Merchant Services for online payment. We prefer the online payment method via Paypal online transaction as it is easy, quicker, and the most protected online payment system as it uses modern encrypted security measures. Please add a service charge of £15 when you make an online payment.
Other Payment methods
Payment must be made in pounds (£) sterling cheque/banker draft drawn on a UK bank (payable to Centre for Business & Economic Research). Overseas contributors may transfer the registration fee directly to the bank Account as below:
Centre for Business & Economic Research
IBAN BIC : GB46HBUK40422871468979