The impact of globalization on economic conditions: empirical evidence from the Mena region
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is an economically diverse region that includes countries with a common heritage, at various stages of economic development, with vastly different endowment of natural resources and accounts for 6% of the world total population. Despite undertaking economic reforms in many countries, and having considerable success in achieving macroeconomic stability, the region's economic performance in the past 30 years has been below its potential. Some countries that pursued reforms, such as Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia, enjoyed the region's most rapid growth rates, but due to the political instability and turbulences they are still lagged behind. The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the impact of globalization in MENA region on the economic performances. This study uses a panel data covers the period 2001–2014 for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and non- Gulf Cooperation Council (non-GCC) MENA countries and employs Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) approach. Results indicate that Globalization is negatively affecting economic conditions in non-GCC and it has no significant effect on non-GCC. This study suggests better policy coordination at all level of government to integrate social, economic and political policies as well all to improve transparency and democratic participation. The paper is outlined as follows- following the introduction, section two reviews the current economic conditions in MENA countries, section
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The new requirements relating to going concern evaluation and disclosure provide a critical improvement to the financial statements taken as a whole
The going concern principle assumes that an entity will continue to exist into the future. This assumption implies that the entity will not be compelled to end their operations, liquidate their assets, or go into bankruptcy. It is an integral assumption in financial statements since it allows for the deferral of recognition of certain expenses until a period of time into the future, when the company is still assumed to exist. Members of management, as well as financial statement auditors, are required to identify signs that could indicate that an entity will not be able to continue their operations into the near future. Some of these signs include a trend of operating losses, loan defaults, legal proceedings against the entity and so forth. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) updated the going concern guidelines so that issuers of financial statements are uniform in frequency and substance of going concern determination. Prior to the Accounting Standards Update, U.S. GAAP lacked sufficient guidance about managements responsibility to evaluate whether there is substantial doubt of the entitys ability to continue as going concern. In order to clarify the uncertainty, FASB issued a new financial reporting standard. This new reporting will be in effect for the annual period ending after December 15, 2016. The updated standard will require management to perform annual and interim assessments of an entitys ability to continue as a going concern for one ye
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A sluggish U.S. economy is no surprise: Declining the rate of growth of profits and other indicators in the last three quarters of 2015 predicted a slowdown in the US economy in the coming months
Recession is a built-in feature of the market economy, it is unavoidable but controllable. Almost all of the recent recessions have had the same chain of causes from the demand and supply sides and profit has been the first leading indicator to signal a sluggish US economy. The recent economic slowdown began in the third quarter of 2015 but it did not start suddenly. It was a result of cumulating tensions built up in the expansion after the recession of 2007-2009.
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Work-family balance dilemma among employed parents (An empirical study)
This study aimed at examining the relationships between work-family balance and organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, life satisfaction, job involvement and the intention to leave. It depends on "a proportional stratified random sample" of 368 from the full-time working employees in the three communication companies in Egypt. Of the 368 questionnaires distributed 276 completed and usable questionnaires are returned representing a response rate of 75%. The sample consists of 53, 2% females and 64, 8% males. With regard to marital status, 99, 6% of the sample is married and 86% of them reported having a working spouse (dual-earner status). The average number of children under- age is 1.41. The collected data are analyzed by using different statistical techniques. The research ended by the following results: (a) work-family balance and organizational commitment , organizational citizenship behavior , life satisfaction , job involvement are positively and significantly related to each other while it is negatively related to the intention to leave, (b) gender and marital status have relatively influence on the relationship between work-family balance and its mentioned consequences ; (c) the relationships between work-family balance and its consequences are higher for males and for those who are married without young children than for females and those married with young children . Finally, the research ended by some managerial implications, recommendati
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The role of entrepreneurship in economic development in Saudi Arabia
One of key objectives of modern economics is to determine factors that influence the economic development. This paper, therefore, seeks to discuss entrepreneurship as one of the factors that influence the economy of a nation, either directly or indirectly. It is a fact that entrepreneurship plays a significant part in shaping the landscape of a countrys economy. Economists and policy makers recognize this fact. In fact, entrepreneurship is the engine of economic growth and it has come to be perceived as a catalytic agent for expansion and promotion of productive activities in every sphere of global economy life. This research will focus on finding out how entrepreneurship influences the economy of Saudi Arabia. The paper will begin with a brief introduction of the topic before proceeding to present a comprehensive review of literature relevant to the topic. It will then proceed to present an overview of relevant variables used in determining the role played by entrepreneurship in the economy of Saudi Arabia. There will then follow a discussion on the disadvantages of entrepreneurship to the economy. The paper will end with a conclusion summarizing all the keys points discussed, research limitations, and recommendations for further research.
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The role of female entrepreneurial networks and small business development: a pilot study based on Sri Lankan migrant entrepreneurs of tourism industry in London
Over the past few years, much has been written about the rapid spread of various types of firm networking, the area of female entrepreneurs networks and small business entrepreneurship is still a challenging research field. This study aims to explore the role of female entrepreneurs networks and examine the important influences of female entrepreneurs networking behaviour. Pilot studies are mostly under-reported in the qualitative research literature and this article specifically focuses on the pilot study findings. Having established that a qualitative methodology is most suitable for this study, the in-depth narrative interviews and observation are deemed particularly suitable research tools. For this study, the pilot work was conducted in London prior to the main stage of data gathering in Sri Lanka. Five Sri Lankan migrant women entrepreneurs in London were purposively approached and interviewed. Findings show that the female entrepreneurs networking experience provides valuable insight for developing their own small businesses. More specifically, the majority of the female entrepreneurs emphasized the purpose-driven nature of their contacts and they organized their networks around the family and social domains rather than professional ties. Further, influences: competing family responsibilities and business matters (being a good mum), gender, trust and running a home-based business, are important and they affect the networking behaviour of female entrepreneurs. Thi
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A historical analysis of the theories of money
Money, the most complex idea to understand is labelled a subject of disagreement and a thorough confusion among economists. Money has been fortunate enough a topic to receive ample attention from the philosophers. The economic literature is replete with theories concerning the understanding and behavior of money from different historic eras. The present-day knowledge of money is very limited when it comes to understanding what actually it can be. Most of the common strata of people believe that money is something that is determined by the governments. People generally hold the view that citizens have a legitimate duty incumbent upon them to honor the payment systems stipulated by the authorities. This Research Paper aims at bringing together most of the prominent contributions of the greatest philosophers of money and clearly demarcates various schools of monetary thought be it the Classical, Neo-Classical or the Heterodox. The aims of this chapter are to review the relevant theories concerning the understanding of money, to present the monetary dogmas of historical times in proper chronological order, to establish a link between the predecessor and the successor, to elaborate on the most obscure confusions and their causes in an easy to understand parlance and to deviate from the mainstream to discuss the Heterodox yet appealing school of thought.
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A study on impact of Job role stressors on Frontline employee role performance towards the customers
Rapid developments in the Indian Economy post-liberalization in 1991 have prompted institutions like the World Bank to forecast that India would be the fourth-largest economy in the world by 2020 (Budhwar and Bhatnagar, 2009). Following globalization, this has attracted a large number of foreign investors and companies to India. HRM in India has evolved as a specialised function (Budhwar and Bhatnagar, 2009). According to Budhwar and Bhatnagar, 2009 India had a long history of labour legislation and industrial relations and there are many challenges to the HRM systems in India, due to the diverse nature of Indias society which is marked by regional, sectoral, socio-cultural and political variation. In such a climate it is extremely difficult to have a uniform HR system. According to Wheatherly and Tansik (1993) employees have to deal with the demands from superiors as well as the needs and wishes of customers. Because of such a boundary spanning role, the retail frontline employees are in dilemma whether to customize the retail services as per customers needs or to obey the organizational guidelines and procedures (Bitner, 1990). This dilemma often leads to job role stress. There are different types of job role stress (Pareek, 1993) of these the research under study deals with the two job role stressors prominent in retail industry job role conflict and job role ambiguity ( Kahn, 1964). According to Heskett et al. (2003) front line employees behavior and
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Assessment of knowledge and awareness of global warming among inhabitants of industrial areas of an urban community in Nigeria
Global warming with its attendant consequences such as extreme heat, natural disasters, poor air quality and allergens has increased health problems. The risk of injury, illness and resulting death among inhabitants are expected to be frequent and intense especially in areas with heavy industrial presence. The current low level of literacy and the socio-economic situation of Nigerians could be responsible for their low consciousness of these unpreventable changes in our climate in one hand and lack of willingness on the part of people to seek environmental health and safety information on the causes, effect and how to mitigate global warming on the other hand. This study focuses on the assessment of knowledge and awareness of causes, effects and mitigating measures of global warming among inhabitants of industrial areas of Ibadan southwestern Nigeria. In this descriptive survey, a purposive sampling technique was used to select 200 respondents from among the inhabitants of this area. A questionnaire with a reliability coefficient (r) of 0.78 was used for data collection. Two research questions were answered and three hypotheses tested at a 0.05 level of significance. Statistical methods such as Chi-square, frequency count, simple percentage and pie chart were used for data analysis. Results showed that only 20% had 34.0% had negative attitude while 81 (40.5%) were indifferent, all the three hypotheses were rejected. Consequently, it was deduced that respondents have significant knowledge
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The effects of audit value added on audit survival: Evidence from CPAs of Thailand
The purposes of this study are to investigate the relationship between antecedents and consequences of audit value added (AVA). AVA is performance of the auditors who work with dedication and commitment to quality work and usefulness for user. AVA composes three dimensions as well as audit best practice, audit continuous learning, and professional ethic awareness. The results from the questionnaire survey of 135 CPAs in Thailand. The findings identified that only two dimensions of AVA has positive relationship with all consequences as well as audit continuous learning and professional ethic awareness. Which the consequences of this study are financial information transparency, stakeholder acceptance, and audit survival. In addition, the finding shows the relationship between antecedence and audit value added are positive significant. Which the antecedence of this study are Stakeholder pressure, audit regulation change, and business environment climate. Surprisingly, have not significant the relationship between audit best practice that dimensions of audit value added and consequences. The summary of this paper not only provides theoretical and managerial contributions but also suggestions and directions of the future research are elaborate.
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