Saudi Arabia; investing; young people; education; economy
Sustainable expansion in any nation depends on the presence of an energetic workforce. The Schultz model indicates that national income is sum total of human capital and physical capital. Given that the national income of Saudi Arabia is disproportionately largely derived from oil wealth rather than human resources, the government has embarked on providing appropriate education to its young people. Funding for education has increased over the years. Primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions have been receiving fairly adequate funding to offer standard education to learners. Moreover, the government has implemented focused programs, such as KASP to and Hafiz to circumvent some of the shortcomings in the educational sector. In spite of the governments efforts, the lack of the right curriculum to ensure performance in the labor force, job discrimination among Saudis, lack of ICT infrastructure, and reluctance of women to join the workforce alongside men hinder the development of a vibrant human capital. Education of the young population is an invaluable investment in the realm of the Arab nation, not only to ensure perpetuation of a strong economy after the end of the oil age, but also to supplement the income that is generated from oil exports at the present
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