Managerial competency, government owned organisations, gender differences, power structure, male and female managers
This study involves a comparative examination of gender differences in managerial competency of government owned organizations. The population consisted of 45 males and 35 females respondents drawn from the selected organizations through convenience sampling. Findings indicated that men predominantly occupied the managerial positions in government owned organizations under review and individual differences seemed more striking than gender differences because the structure of the organization shaped the behavior of how the managers functioned. It was also revealed that in the area of effectiveness on the use of control measures, female managers succeeded because they were able to draw upon what was unique to their experiences as women. They have learned how to manage effectively without relying on the control of resources and power to motivate others. Women who were hitherto successful have not received much recognition or credit. The male managers in this study were able to out-perform their female counterparts in all skill areas because of the organizations power structures although women approached these challenges in similar fashion like their male counterparts. In other words, if women possessed power within an organization, their effectiveness will be similar to that of men. Gender differences will play a limited role where there is a balance in the power structure. Therefore, managers should not be judged based on their gender but as individuals. In view of the a
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