Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, job performance, turnover intentions, role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, role novelty, education, Egypt.
The purpose of this paper is to explore (1) the effect of the relationship among role stress (role conflict, role ambiguity, role novelty and role overload) on job performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intentions; and (2) the situational relationships among job satisfaction, job performance, employee commitment to organizations and employee turnover intentions through a case analysis on college of management and technology (CMT) one of the Arab academy for science and technology and maritime transport. A structured questionnaire was developed. The hypotheses were simultaneously tested on a sample of 65 out of 100 employees distributed, giving a response rate of 65 per cent. Several analytical techniques were used to evaluate the relationships among the variables under investigation such as Pearson correlation, and chi-square. Hierarchical regression was used to evaluate the mediating role. The findings of this study have shown significant relationships among the variables under investigation as well as they have shown contribution as a moderator. It is imperative to better understand how a CMT skilled staff member can effectively and efficiently cope and manage with role stress and reducing or eliminating to a certain extent its negative effect on performance, satisfaction and commitment used in a way not to influence their intention to leave. This investigation is both timely and important within the Egyptian culture context. The research wa
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