
Burnout, Intention to Quit, Stressor, Police Officers, Nigeria


This paper examines the impact of job burnout on the intention to quit among the Nigerian Police. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Data used were collected using questionnaires administered to one hundred and fifty police officers of different ranks ranging from rank and file, inspector and senior officer that were selected using stratify random sampling technique in three divisional headquarters in Akure, Ondo state. The paper revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between job burnout and intention to quit. Besides, the study discovered that police officers experience burnout based on different biographical and personality factors and there was a positive correlation between age, level of education, years of experience, and job burnout on one hand and intention to quit on another hand. The paper concluded that effort should be made by the Police Service Commission to manage effectively those factors that cause burnout in order to make police officers have affective commitment to their job and reduce possible turnover among the police officers. Lastly, additional qualifications possessed by police officers should be a strong point in the Police promotion criteria

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