Renewable energy, sustainable environment, Hydropower, Solar energy, Geothermal energy, Ocean energy, Bio energy
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to ascertain the environmental impact of renewable energy sources.
Methodology: The research combines a pragmatist epistemology and an exploratory, inductive technique. Using the United Kingdom as a case study, the study collects primary data on participants' perspectives, perceptions, and attitudes regarding the connection between renewable energy sources and the environment through a self-administered survey (with 400 subjects) and in-depth interviews (sample size 25).
Findings: Participants expressed worry about climate change and a keen understanding of the favourable effects of renewable energy sources on the environment, particularly in terms of pollution reduction, global warming reduction, and climate change mitigation.
Practical Implications - The primary rationale for increased calls for the transition away from non-renewable energy sources is the desire to mitigate their negative environmental implications. Renewable energy sources must be expanded to meet this goal. Additional study is needed to identify viable policy pathways for accelerating the transition to renewable energy.
Originality: To the best of the researcher's knowledge, this is the first study combining self-administered survey with 400 subjects and in-depth interviews with 25 subjects in the United Kingdom on the public's perspective of renewable energy, its status of development, hurdles, and role in mitigating global warming and climate change.
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