
Inclusive entrepreneurship, inclusivity, persons with disability


There have been many definitions of inclusion as it relates to the underserved and economic empowerment through entrepreneurship, but few of these definitions have focused specifically on persons with disabilities.

 Purpose of Research- Many studies have looked at increasing economic empowerment through entrepreneurship for women, minorities, youth, seniors, immigrants, and rural residents throughout literature. The gap is, however, the lumping of all these categories has led to overlooking of specific challenges faced by persons with disabilities. This oversight on economic inclusivity has been magnified especially during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Design/ Methodology- This study reviews literature in search of evidence to document programs, projects, and policies used in both developed and developing countries to address the overall challenges of inclusive entrepreneurship. The paper explores several entrepreneurial studies on the inclusivity of business ecosystems in the UK, USA, Sub-Saharan Africa, and India. It highlights public-private partnerships and impact investment as it relates to challenges in increasing inclusivity in businesses.

Results/Findings- It was evident that there are many government policies and programs to support entrepreneurship in the USA, UK, Sub-Saharan Africa, and India, but limited empirical studies have been documented to evaluate the impact of these policies on entrepreneurship for persons with disabilities. Some of the challenges cited in the literature included gender gap, cost of doing business, and the likelihood to be funded to launch a business as common dominant factors reported on the issue of inclusion. 

Practical implications and Conclusions-The authors find that there are much more empirical research and analyses warranted in the study of entrepreneurship inclusion and empowerment of the underserved, especially for persons with disabilities. A continue reviewing literature and use quantitative and qualitative research such that additional programs, projects, and policies may be developed to serve all inclusively.

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