Cultural and creative industry, world economic crisis
Currently is the main factor driving the world economy is the creation of new values through the products and services innovations in the area of technology. Yet the modern market poses a new challenge. This new challenge is Creativity which is the cornerstone of economic strategy based on products and process innovation which are so desired in the modern economy. Creative Subjects with their creativity are capable of finding all new solutions in order to improve the services offered in the particular sector in the scope of design, products traceability, reference of identity and special values, individual fulfilment etc. In this way, creativity is helping to increase the versatility of products and companies competitiveness in turn stimulating economic growth. Taking into account the above statements one needs to notice that technological development on its own is not enough to create original concepts of economic growth that would meet the demands of individuals regarding the material and non-material needs. Therefore, it is important to conduct an analysis of the role of the cultural sector and creative industries for the future development of the national economies. For this analysis to be useful one needs to reflect upon the reaction of the creative sector and the creative industries to the economic crisis in the years 2008-2012. Research methods used are scientific analysis of the literature, comparative analysis, synthesis and generalization, graphical visualization.
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